The first teacher feels that social-emotional development provides the foundation for how each child feels about themselves. She also feels that social and emotional development helps children begin to understand who they are, what they are feeling, what they expect to receive from others? She believes that young children’s social-emotional development influences all other areas of development such as, cognitive, motor, and language development are all greatly affected by how a child feels about him/ herself and how she or he is able to express ideas and emotions. She feels that the greatest influence on a child’s social-emotional development is the quality of the relationships that he or she develops with their parents, primary caregiver, family members, and caretaker. She thinks that the positive and nurturing early experiences and relationships have a significant impact on the child’s social-emotional development.
The second teacher that I interviewed feels about the same as the first. Their views are pretty much the same when it comes to social and emotional development in young children. This teacher feels that when a child social and emotional skill is well-developed they are able to express their ideas and feelings. The child is also able to manage his or her feelings of frustration and disappointment more easily. She says that it is very import to help young children develop these skills so that they can have self-confident so that they can easily make and develop friendships and succeed in school. She believes that emotions play an important role in forming a relationship that affect how young children learn. Lauren Jackson feels that before they learn the academic skills they need to learn their social skills. They need to learn how to iniaties conversation, ask and answer questions. Most elementary schools teacher always look for this when the child first enter in grade school. They feel that once the child enters they should already have an idea of how to get along with other children.